Funding available for inclusion activities and events
We have a $10,000 grant for inclusion activities We have been allocated a grant from the NSW Department of Sport for activities that promote inclusion. The details of the requirements for access to the grant. We invite members and clubs in NSW and ACT to propose activities and events...
Acquittals for member and event reimbursements
Late last year, and through the beginning of this year, the web site stopped notifying us of acquittal forms being submitted. No forms were lost, and a full audit of payments going back to the beginning of 2022 has been completed. As of 29 March 2023 we believe all...
HSHW Coach the Coach Course Wicked Weekend
Some photos from the Wicked Weekend organised by Dan Sendhofer with Melissa Harvie and Frikken’s Chickens – the group of new female coaches created by a course organised through the NSW Parachute Council. Melissa Harvie from APF organised the course with Fury Coach, Christy Frikken pictured below and with...
Would you like to learn to skydive? Check out the APF Video ‘How to Skydive’ for some inspiration.
NSW State Skydiving Championships @ Moruya November 2018.
The NSW State Skydiving Championships will be held in November @ Skydive Oz, Moruya. The Freefall disciplines of Vertical Formation Skydiving, Freestyle, Formation Skydiving, Wingsuiting will be held on the 10th and 11th of November 2018. For more details and Registration The canopy disciplines of Canopy Relative Work...